This is basically a linocut and more crazy version of directional insanity. If medusa (from soul eater) ever had an evil demonspawn, this would be it! this guy would be a real hit with the ladies with those tenta-arrows
This is basically a linocut and more crazy version of directional insanity. If medusa (from soul eater) ever had an evil demonspawn, this would be it! this guy would be a real hit with the ladies with those tenta-arrows
Yup, exactly. I thought it would be a great start to practice cutting round edges.
Hehe. Hentai with tentacles. Even Medusa would appreciate that. C:<
I loved this one! i'm a real sucker for elemental artwork like this one here. It's hard to imagine this was done just with cardboard and some paint, my favorite element here has to be ice because i love the cold, plus, i just like the design on the ice creature. Overall, a really creative piece my friend! =D
That akward moment when I did not make an ice creature... ._. I think the one you're talking about is the air one. xD Haha.
Anyway, thanks a bunch! I'm really not used to traditional, so it's quite new to me, and I'm happy to have positive feedback about it. :)
head....Too kawaii......Boobs.....Too kawaii......Hair......Too kawaii....IT'S TOO FUCKING KAWAIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!
thank you? XD
You officially just made me piss mah shit.....Tahnk you.
You piss yo shit? Interesting way to go to the bathroom.
This has a real Soul Eater vibe with this one, plus, it looks like something from Silent Hill.
The japanese will be pleased with this one........If ya know what i mean. ;D
Yeah, he sure looks like that witch in Soul Eater (with her vector powers!).
Mmmh. We all know where this is going. >:]
This drawing alone is 10x more creative than any other Pokemon idea ever.
Seriously, this could be an evolution for pikachu involving giving it a shit ton of drugs, instead of giving it a rare candy.
Nintendo, GET ON THIS!
i always thought that hearts were the strangest thing to portray love, it's an organ for god's sake! flowers or sunrises would work, but not hearts! no matter how cartoony they make hearts, i still compare them to real human ones because the idea is just disgusting! =P
I know! And true hearts don't even look like that! Jesus!
Let's find the person who thought it was a good idea and beat the shit out of him. \o/
i guess that's supposed to be you in the world of game of thrones? anyhow, it's a pretty great piece.
Never saw Game of Thrones. But I'd be in that town with the deer logo, I suppose, right? Haha.
Thanks dude!
watcha say n***a!
Wreck-it Ralph was like the who framed Roger rabbit of video games. (if you haven't seen roger rabbit you should!) true, it may have been quite cliche with the ending, but it was still a damn good movie.
It's good to see that you're still alive friend, and once again, great, the details are amazing! though i don't really know what the medal that Ralph has says. also, aren't you a little late to be drawing this? i mean, Wreck-it Ralph came out like, 2 months ago, unless it came out recently in Quebec because Wreck-it Ralph is really fuckin' spread out in countries, (especially in England.)
I know! Those movie concepts are nice.
Well, for a Disney movie, I'd say the ending was quite great! And I like the fact they touched the usual "princess" thing, and they threw it immediately after.
Yeah I'm alive. Barely, but still alive!
Ralph's medal is the one Vanellope made for him, with "Youre my hero" written on it. Also... let's say I didn't watch the movie in theater... (hehe)
I may have made one too many mistakes.
Age 26, Male
Professional Homie
School of Funny
Joined on 12/17/11