Oh my god Tyrstan. I love you.
Moonrise Kingdom is one of my favorites. On top of the fact that it's also directed by one of my favorite directors, Wes Anderson.
Lemmo just say, that I absolutely love this one. The framing, the colours, and the little eyehole in the art, is all incredibly faithful to the actual film's visuals. Not only that, but I love how your art style compliments the characters as well! IT'S SO GOOOOD
I think pretty much everything Wes Anderson has made I've loved in some form. And the simple and funny story of Moonrise Kingdom, made me fall in love with it. So happy you like this film as well.
I'm sorry, but as soon as I see a Wes Anderson-based piece, you summon me pretty much immediately. I normally wouldn't want to give you requests, especially in a "Newgrounds review", but pleeeeeaaaaase do The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. I'd love to see how you artistically interpret the colours of that film!
Absolutely fantastic art, as always, yet incredibly simplistic in presentation. Love ya man <3