While I have never played DayZ in my entire life of gaming, I bet this is pretty darn close to what the game is like.
The animation was gorgeous, clean, and all-around lovely to look at. Hey....I just realized something while writing this...Aussies animators on the internet, I have found, are really good animators. Like, damn good. For example: Rubber Ross, Sam Green, and Michael Cusack are all really fantastic at animating, moreso than most American animators out there.
Oh, and the music was typical NewGrounds music, but Sam & RionHunter managed to make this NewGrounds music work here.
And there are barely any memes here! In Sam's Minecraft and other cartoons, he used internet memes to compensate with his lack of humorous punch, which is NOT how you make a cartoons funny. But here, this was, I believe written by RionHunter, who seems to have a much better grasp of humor than Sam, and the jokes went really well here. I also found the orange joke to be pretty damn funny. Good work on that front, RionHunter.
And all I have to say about the voice-acting is: 'Dat Austrailian accent.
I really enjoyed this 'toon, and I did not expect to actually enjoy this. Thanks, guys for making a damn good cartoon that was worth my time!
Oh, and you guys should totally team up to make cartoons together. RionHunter could be the ideasman and writer, while Sam Green could be the animator. Together, these two would be practically unstoppable!! Good day ~ Retro